Q: What is Pascal Editions?
A: Pascal Editions is an independent and somewhat experimental publisher of books and information, both print and digital. We also provide certain publication services for books and authors not published under our imprint.
Q: Could you elaborate?
A: We do what traditional publishers do: we accept submissions from authors we deem gifted and worthy, and we publish their book under our imprint, handling the entire process along the way — editing, cover design, securing copyright and ISBNs, making arrangements with distributors and book stores and so on, and marketing the book in a variety of ways.
We also do what not all publishers do: we develop epub or Kindle versions for ebook readers; we provide for placement on venues such as Amazon and also optimize such placement; we drive attention to publications through traditional means such as press releases, but also through newer means such as cutting-edge social media, and so on.
The simple fact is that print-on-demand manufacture, online distribution and book-selling, and ebook reader technology have completely transformed the book industry. We strive to adapt, and take best advantage of these changes, for our authors, clients and firm.
Q: What sort of publication services do you provide?
On occasion, we may provide certain necessary services to authors not published under our imprint or to other publishers — we may just design a book jacket, for instance, or just issue press releases for a book launch, or just optimize for search engine results on Amazon or Google; or, sometimes, provide a select combination of multiple such services.
Q: Dozens of publishers have turned down my abysmal book. Will Pascal Editions publish it if I give you enough money.
A: No. We are not a vanity publisher. We will not publish your book in return for monetary compensation. We publish books because we think they are good, not because the authors or others finance it. Go away.
Q: How can I buy books published by Pascal Editions?
A: You can sometimes find them at book stores, and you can always order them from book stores or get them directly from Amazon.com. If a book dealer does not have a copy of our work in stock, have him contact us and we will send it to the dealer directly.
Q: Is Pascal Editions a “niche” publisher?
A: If by that you mean, does Pascal Editions exclusively publish books on the subject of fly fishing or Etruscan pottery or whatever, the answer is no. Our one criteria is exceptional quality. Thus we may publish (in some cases, will shortly publish) exceptional fiction (Chaotic Butterfly or Reap), exceptional poetry (The Age Of Steel), exceptional literary anthologies (The Unreal City Reader), exceptional books on specific subjects such as writing (Writing More & Suffering Less), exceptional works on business and investing (The Little Tax Lien Tax Deed Book), exceptional literary criticism (How To Become A Poet Today), and so on.
It is true that, being in the business of literature, we have a particular interest in the subject of business and the subject of literature; and so works in either area have a slightly higher chance of catching our attention than others. But only slightly. For us the common denominator is not genre but quality.
Q: Why aren’t there more books available on your site?
A: Patience. We have roughly a dozen volumes slated for launch. Stop by again. Rest assured, more volumes are coming.
Q: Will it be possible to purchase books directly from your web site?
A: Yes, as they become available. But it’s simpler and easier to just enter the title in Amazon and order from there.
Q: Are you associated with other publications or publishers?
A: We had a more than friendly relationship with the literary journal Unreal City but they have suspended operations in the wake of the pandemic, and were in any case independent, not an informal publishing arm.
Q: Are you a non-profit academic organization or a for-profit entity? Do you solicit donations?
A: We are a for-profit entity, and while we don’t go out of our way to solicit donations, it is obviously a worthwhile thing to support literature and publishing, and we can and do gratefully accept such support from the public and grant-funding agents and agencies. Contact us if you are so inclined.
Q: How do I submit a manuscript to Pascal Editions?
A: Don’t! We do not accept non-agented submissions, and few if any agented ones either. There are simply too many manuscripts to review. We seek out authors we think valuable and invite them to submit. Uninvited submissions will be returned, archived, or destroyed.
Q: Are there no exceptions?
A: One exception: we are ready to entertain book ideas. If — for example — you want to want to compile an anthology of posts written by Iraqi war bloggers, say, or a book on Scottish cooking, and the idea strikes us as viable (we are not saying that it does), we may agree to see the manuscript once it is completed. A simple one-paragraph query will suffice.
Q: I love your book covers. Can you design one for my book?
A: We are not a design firm, but we work with designers and can put you in touch with the appropriate parties.
Q: Can you contact me when a new publication appears?
A: Certainly. Just send us your email address via our Contact page.
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